What Are The Average Payouts For Historical Sexual Abuse Compensation?

In this article, we look at how to claim historical sexual abuse compensation. For the purposes of this article, we investigate making a claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). However, there are other ways to claim for sexual abuse. 

We examine the different ways you could file a sexual abuse compensation claim. There is a time limit when making a CICA claim, however, if you can prove exceptional circumstances apply, you might be entitled to . We also look at what evidence will be required when you make a CICA claim for historic abuse compensation. 

As well as supplying evidence, historical abuse CICA claims need to meet specific criteria. This article explores claiming criteria. 

To bring the article to a conclusion, we look at using the services of No Win No Fee sexual abuse claims solicitors. If you decide to seek compensation for the abuse you suffered through CICA, an experienced solicitor could help. 

Our team of advisors are available to answer any questions you may have while reading this guide to sexual abuse compensation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

To get in touch: 

  • Contact us online. 
  • Call the number at the top of the page. 
  • Use the live chat. 
historical sexual abuse compensation

Can I Claim For Historical Sexual Abuse Compensation?

Historical or non-recent abuse is abuse experienced by an adult while they were under the age of 18. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) defines child sexual abuse as forcing or inciting a child to take part in sexual activity. 

You might be eligible to claim compensation for sexual abuse as a child. Sexual abuse compensation could be sought through a CICA claim, or you could file a criminal injury claim directly against the perpetrator. In order for you to claim against them directly, they will need to have been identified and have the funds to pay your historic abuse compensation to you

Additionally, there is the possibility of claiming criminal injuries compensation from a vicariously liable party. This means that if the child sexual abuse occurred at a school, for example, you might be able to file your claim against the school. You would only be able to do this if it happened because of a breach of duty of care; for example, if you reported the abuse to a member of staff and they failed to take action against the member of staff responsible. 

Talk to our advisors about your compensation eligibility. If you do have a valid claim, they could connect you with a lawyer from our panel. 

Historic Abuse Compensation – What is the Time Limit to Claim?

If you would like to submit a CICA claim for historical sexual abuse compensation, a time limit typically applies; however, extenuating circumstances may mean that you can claim outside the general limit. The time limit is generally two years from the date of reporting the incident to the police. 

The time limit for childhood sexual abuse compensation is two years after you turn 18 if the incident was reported to the police while you were under 18, but no claim was made.

If the incident was not reported to the police, you have two years from the day you reported the incident, unless extenuating circumstances stop you from being able to do so. If you’re claiming outside of the two-year time limit for any reason, you also need to provide enough evidence that a claims officer won’t need to do extensive further investigations. 

Advice on the CICA time limit and exceptional circumstances are available from our advisors. 

How Much Historical Sexual Abuse Compensation Could I Receive?

The following table is based on compensation amounts given in the CICA tariff of injuries. A multiple injuries formula will apply to your CICA claim if you claim for more than one injury on the same tariff.

You will receive:

  • 100% of the compensation for the injury with the highest value.
  • 30% of the compensation for the injury with the second highest or equally highest value.
  • 15% of the compensation for the injury with the third highest or equally highest value. 

However, if the sexual abuse resulted in pregnancy, losing a pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) these injuries may not be subject to the multiple injuries formula. This is because they are paid from another tariff that this formula does not apply to. 

We have included some of the amounts from the main tariff of injuries in the table below:

Non-consensual penetration (any age)£44,000Non-consensual penetration with a penis of vagina, mouth or anus, causing serious physical injuries along with a severe mental disability that is permanent.
Non-consensual penetration (any age)£16,500Repetitive incidents of non-consensual penetration with a penis of vagina, anus or mouth occurring over three years.
Non-consensual penetration (any age)£13,500Non-consensual penetration with a penis of vagina, anus or mouth carried out by two or more attackers.
Non-consensual penetration (any age)£11,000Non-consensual penetration with a penis of vagina, anus or mouth carried out by one attacker.
Non-consensual penetration (victim is a child)£44,000Non-consensual penetration with a penis of vagina, anus or mouth during childhood that causes a serious internal injury along with severe and permanent mental health disability.
Non-consensual penetration (victim is a child) £22,000Non-consensual penetration of vagina, anus or mouth with a penis during childhood resulting in a permanent disability to mental health that is moderate in nature.
Sexual assault (victim is a child)£27,000Sexual assault occurring in childhood that causes a permanent disability to mental health.
Sexual assault (victim is a child)£22,000Pattern of incidents that were frequent and caused serious internal injury.
Sexual assault (victim is a child)£22,000Sexual assault causing serious internal injuries.
Sexual assault (victim is a child)£8,200Three or more years of frequent and repetitive incidents occurring while the victim is underage.

What Other Compensation Could You Claim From A Sexual Abuse Claim?

As part of a sexual abuse compensation claim, you may also be able to claim for special expenses. In order to claim special expenses, you must be able to prove the costs were necessary, reasonable and incurred as a direct result of your injury. Additionally, you cannot claim for items or support that is available for free elsewhere. 

Special expenses could cover:

  • Relied on equipment, such as eye glasses, that were broken in the attack. 
  • Treatment costs. 
  • Equipment required to cope with the injuries. 
  • Home and car adaptations. 

You might also be able to claim for loss of earnings. Proof of being unable to work for at least 28 full weeks following the sexual abuse is required to claim special expenses. 

You can discuss the tariff of injuries and special expenses for sexual abuse compensation with our advisors. 

Who Is Eligible To Claim For Historical Sexual Abuse?

 In order to claim historical abuse compensation from the CICA you must have been a direct victim of the crime of violence, a witness or there in the immediate aftermath. Additionally, you may claim on the behalf of your child if you are their parent or guardian. 

To claim for historical sexual abuse, you must have been injured due to the crime. This could be a mental injury, a physical injury or both. If you are claiming as a witness or a person there in the immediate aftermath, you must have experienced a disabling mental injury as a direct result of witnessing the event. We examine what evidence you will be asked to provide in support of a claim for sexual abuse compensation further into this article. 

Where Did the Historical Sexual Abuse Take Place?

To make a CICA claim, the sexual abuse must have happened in England, Wales or Scotland or another relevant place. Relevant places include British aircraft and vessels. 

Free legal advice on compensation for victims of historical sexual abuse is available from our advisors. 

Top Tips on Claiming Historical Sexual Abuse Compensation

When making a CICA claim for sexual abuse compensation, you will be asked for evidence. This includes:

  • A police reference number. 
  • Medical evidence.  You will be expected to cover the cost of this up to £50. 
  • Proof of residency. 

The CICA can liase with the police. The crime needs to be reported to them in order for you to claim. 

The police might confirm some of the following with the CICA:

  • Whether or not you cooperated with the investigation
  • Details of any previous convictions that migtht affect your payout

Sexual abuse claims solicitors can help you with CICA claims. We’ll examine the option of hiring a No Win No Fee solicitor specialising in sexual abuse claims below. 

Our team can advise you on the evidence a CICA claim will need. If you have a good chance of your historical sexual abuse compensation claim being successful, you could be connected with a lawyer from our panel. 

Contact Our Panel of No Win No Fee Solicitors

No Win No Fee sexual abuse claims solicitors can ease the process of claiming through the CICA. Your solicitor may provide their services through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which is a kind of No Win No Fee agreement popular with claimantsYour solicitor won’t charge you an upfront fee under a CFA.

A success fee is taken from the awards of successful claims under this type of funding arrangement. The law places a cap on the success fee that can be deducted. If your claim is not successful, you will not  have to pay for your solicitors services. 

Want To See If You Could Receive Historical Sexual Abuse Compensation? Contact Us For Free Today

Contact our advisors for a free consultation on the potential validity of your historical sexual abuse claim. If your claim seems eligible and you would like to proceed, you could be put into contact with our panel of experienced No Win No Fee solicitors. 

To discuss how to apply for criminal injury compensation, get in touch:

  • Contact us online. 
  • Call the number at the top of the page. 
  • Use the live chat. 

Learn More About How To Claim for Sexual Abuse

Below, we have included some links you may find helpful:

If you have any more questions about whether you could be eligible to receive historical sexual abuse compensation, speak with our team today.