We’re Specialists In Sexual Abuse Compensation Claims

If you’d like help and support with a claim for sexual abuse, assault, rape or another type of criminal injury, we can help

  • Get Help From Specialist Solicitors
  • 100% No Win No Fee
Claim Compensation

Did You Know…

The maximum award that the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority can make is…


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Welcome to Sexual Abuse Compensation Advice. This website can provide you with free help and guidance if you intend to make a claim for sexual abuse or just want to learn more about making such claims. Included on this website are examples of how you could claim compensation for sexual abuse and detail the different types of abuse you could potentially receive compensation for.

Our advisors can deal with any queries you have with care and consideration. They offer legal advice that is completely free and they’re available 24/7. Furthermore, all they need is one conversation with you before they can tell you if you have a valid claim.  

Also, they can indicate what you could receive, whether you’re claiming compensation for historic abuse or abuse suffered as an adult. This could include, for example, potentially claiming child abuse compensation if you suffered abuse whilst at school.

Additionally, our advisors can put you through to sexual abuse claims solicitors from our panel who can build your case. They can represent you on a No Win No Fee basis; we will explain what this means later on in this guide.

To learn more about claiming, contact our team at a time that works for you using the details below.   

  • Call us on the phone number above
  • Use our website to contact us
  • Write your query to us using the Chat window. 

Read on if you wish to learn more about claiming for sexual abuse. In the next sections of this guide, we will cover different aspects of sexual abuse compensation. These include the criteria for claiming compensation for sexual abuse. This includes cases when a claimant may seek to claim historical abuse compensation. We’ll also look at examples of payouts from the CICA (The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority). You are welcome to contact us at any time if you would prefer to speak to an advisor.

The Definition Of Sexual Abuse

Sexual assault is defined by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) as someone intentionally touching another person in a sexual manner without consent. This touching can be done with a body part or an object.

There are two types of child sexual abuse as defined by the National  Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) – contact and non-contact. You could potentially receive sexual abuse compensation after experiencing either, depending on the nature of the incident and how it has affected you. 

Contact abuse can include: 

  • A body part or object being used to penetrate a child 
  • A child being touched sexually whilst clothed or otherwise
  • A child being forced to perform sexual acts

Non-contact abuse can also be very traumatising and difficult to deal with. Conduct like this can include:

  • Flashing or exposing
  • Being exposed to sexual acts
  • Being shown pornography

This kind of abuse can happen to you whilst you’re a child or later in life. In England and Wales, criminals are currently prosecuted under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 if they’re found guilty of sexual abuse that occurred from May 2004 onwards. If the abuse occurred before May 2004, they would be charged under the Sexual Offences Act 1956

Our advisors could help answer any claim queries you have and discuss whether you may be eligible to receive child abuse compensation. Our team are also available to provide advice on specific types of child sexual abuse claims such as:

  • Sexual abuse claims against the Catholic Church
  • Sexual abuse claims in schools
  • A boy scout sexual abuse claim
  • Other forms of criminal sexual abuse claims
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